Enjoy 2 new videos and cool poster with waterfall from France

Created by: Adam Ondra

This year in spring, having a couple of rainy days in Southern France, I made a visit on a particularly awful rainy day to this place, and I was able to climb these impossible moves and make an ascent of Inga, 8c+/9a. Moves felt much more doable this time, and I think that my progression in lead climbing has not been that significant over the years, but my progress in bouldering has been huge. But bouldering has been crucial to push these boundaries and step from 9a to 9b and then to 9c. The hardest routes in the world have very difficult boulder moves.

Petr Chodura, Deverse in Gorges du Loup, Francie, 240210180903

Enjoy some cool photos from this amazing crag, Gorges du Loup, sector Deverse, in the gallery below by Petr Chodura, and watch the new video on my YouTube channel. You can even check out the whole climb with my commentary in my YouTube membership section.

Petr Chodura, Deverse in Gorges du Loup, Francie, 240210174820

Last but not least, you can get a cool poster from the Tango To Nik 8c+ route right under the waterfall (which wasn't supposed to be there originally :-) ) on my eshop.adamondra.com.

Photos in gallery by Petr Chodura

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