My Fontainebleau trip was just PACKED

Created by: ADAM ONDRA

This Fontainebleau trip was just incredible. A true dream when the script couldn't really have been any better. Those days were PACKED. I felt good and super motivated, and the crew I was climbing with was just top-notch.

Petr Chodura, Soudain Seul, Fontainebleau, France, 250208181557_res

Day 1 - Souidain Seul send 

Day 2 - Tour de Flash proposed by Pierre Dellas from Fanatic Climbing.

We start the day at Ubik Assiss 8B, which I quickly flash ✅ Then we move for La Ligne de Bête 8B+, which I flashed as well ✅ Two incredible boulders that I just fired off without that much pressure, only being just so psyched to try those fantastic moves! The third challenge of the day was Partage Assis 8B, which was not in the best conditions and I could not do it even after a few tries. 

Petr Chodura, Soudain Seul, Fontainebleau, France, 250208190823_res

Petr Chodura, Fontainebleau, France, 250209180555_res

Day 3 - rest and rain

Day 4 - It was time to try with Camille Coudert and Charles Albert THE PROJECT of Font - Imothep Assiss, rumoured to be 9A+. But first, I went to try to flash the stand start - Imothep du sol 8B+ ✅ I did with a bit of margin (thinking that with my size it could be more 8B) and then we tried the sit start version. Camille finally made the second move (my contribution was to let Camille use my La Sportiva shoe). I could do all the moves, too, and I completely fell in love with this boulder. It is just incredible

Petr Chodura, Fontainebleau, France, 250211180944_res

Petr Chodura, Fontainebleau, France, 250211175337_res

Everything was filmed, of course, and you can look forward to the new video on my YouTube channel soon!

Amazing photos by Petr Chodura.

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