Functional Training: How to Train Muscle Coordination

Created by: Adam Ondra

This brand-new Tips & Tricks episode is focused on functional training. Why is functional training important? It’s a type of exercise that helps you develop the connection between individual muscles.

Petr Chodura, DNA, Francie, 241017171801 ve velké velikosti

Petr Chodura, DNA, Francie, 241017162250 ve velké velikosti

These exercises help you engage the whole body effectively at the same time. Some climbers can do ten one-arm pull-ups or hang on the smallest holds, yet don’t perform as well as much weaker climbers. One possible reason is poor muscle coordination. When doing these exercises, focus primarily on perfect form, not difficulty. Start with light weights and add more once you are confident in your technique. The workout takes about 20 minutes and can be included as part of your warm-up or on days when you’re not climbing.

Petr Chodura, DNA, Francie, 241017171750 ve velké velikosti

For all exercises, focus on correct form rather than difficulty. Repeat each exercise 6–10 times on both sides. Watch this video carefully and pay attention to all the tips for proper execution.

Watch the new video for all CLIMBING FANATICS in my membership section on my YouTube channel and pay attention to all the tips for proper execution. 


See you there.

Photos in gallery by Petr Chodura

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