I Thought It Was Impossible to Climb Inga 8c+/9a

Created by: Adam Ondra

Inga is a rather mysterious route, and the name in the epicentre of French climbing was established by a Japanese legend, Dai Koyamada. It is a weird route as it is a sitstart into an 8c called 7PM JP Chaud, which is my the 2nd 8c I had ever done back when I was 12 years old. I have a great memory of that trip when I did this 8c route, especially as I was there with my good friend Martin Stráník. We were climbing in different crags almost every day, wild camping and chasing the highest possible number of routes harder than 8a within 10 days. I think I ticked 19, Martin ticked 18.

Petr Chodura, Deverse in Gorges du Loup, Francie, 240210164216

Petr Chodura, Deverse in Gorges du Loup, Francie, 240210163224

I also remember being impressed by Inga, being basically in disbelief at how hard the first moves looked like and thinking like I was nowhere close to having the level to be able to climb through these moves!

Check out the new video on my YouTube channel, and in my new membership section, you can watch the whole climb with my commentary. See you there!

Photos in galler by Petr Chodura.

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