Hi all. The first ever sport climbing competition at the Olympics is over. And it might not be that much of the mark to say that thanks to the new format it was probably the most nerv challenging competition to watch. We were all glued to the screen constantly checking the math trying to figure out how it all will play out. There was a lot of talk about the decision to have the speed included and the way the medalist will be chosen, but in the end the ones who win are at that time and with that particular format the best. Without any doubt they performed better, rightfully deserving their medals.
High bets were for sure put on Tomoa Narasaki. Extremely strong climber, almost attacking a world speed record at his training runs. Competing on home turf he was very much considered to be a potential winner. Jakob Schubert. You all know this guy never gives up and can surprise at absolutely the last possible minute. His comeback on the last boulder in the qualification which got him back to the game or an unbelievable performance in the finals topping out the lead route on holds which even Adam called just painted left us all speechless. Alex Megos, Adam… Those four guys were the names being considered for the top places. Those four names were the ones we could see there in the last few years. Those were the names who many of us believed had a chance to get some of the medals. Every one of them not just for what they might have achieved in Tokyo or on the World Cup and World Championship podiums but also for what they represent within our sport and in our community.
Don't beat around the bush. In this competition format, after finishing all 3 disciplines, 5 climbers were better than Adam. At least according to the score table. And with all due respect to his life journey and performance, we have to admit that at least in bouldering, he was thinking about much higher places supported by a little better performance.
The final results are in and what is left and truly needs to be said is this: a massive congratulation to Alberto, Nathaniel and Jakob for their performance! A same level of respect to all who made it to the games as it is a lifetime achievement. See you at the crag.
Disclaimer: During the Olympic games Adam will be solely focusing on his physical and mental preparations for the finals. Therefore all the Tokyo Echoes news are brought to you by his team members. Thank you very much for understanding.