New bonus YouTube video is out - El Maquinista 9a+/b

Created by: Adam Ondra

The video of El Maquinista 9a+/b is up in a new membership section on my YouTube channel. This used to be a long-standing project bolted by local legend Pedro Pons more than 20 years ago, who did all the moves back then, and he was able to do the route with two hangs. It is just such a sick route. Ultra-powerful and ultra-resistant, fortunately (or unfortunately?) I found a kneebar that definitely made the route slightly less resistant.

I think it is a really high-quality route, an amazing vision by Pedro Pons, and hopefully, it will attract more climbers in the future.

My YouTube membership will not only be filled up with Tips & Tricks videos but also extra footage that will not appear on my main channel. So join me and enjoy more climbing content and fun.

Photos in gallery by Petr Chodura

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