crickets on a mission
Sens has the mission. To make eating crickets cool, affordable, sustainable and accessible food. I agree with Sens about the enormous potential of crickets to help the world with the ever-increasing need for high-quality protein.
energy at enytime, anywhere
I enjoy crickets mainly in the form of high-quality protein bars, which have 20 grams of protein per bar and are an ideal snack for me wherever I go. For a full day in the rocks, a long road trip in the car, or a multi-phase training in the climbing gym. And then there's the protein blend in two flavors, which is fine for several reasons. It's great as a first meal after a hard climb, or it's a proper snack or breakfast before a workout, power-endurance climbing or hard training session.
it takes courage
If you are already friend with crickets and can call yourself a cricket expert, then take the courage and try whole crickets flavored with spices and herbs. Put them in cold or warm salads, like I like to do! I'm sure you'll love them. Or use them just as a crunchy snack during long journeys or furnish the table during a meeting with friends with something unusual. Because crickets are also about having fun.
Together with the SENS team, we also try to entertain, educate and encourage our loyal followers to perform better. That's why at Christmas, you can put a gift pack of whole crickets under the Christmas tree for someone in your family and wait to see how they tackle them. Or hang onto our SENS challenge and show others you've got a strong grip! Like at the Prague Bouldering World Cup or at various festivals and events - like the great Grand Opening of Hangar Ostrava.