Tips & Tricks Episode 2: How to climb boulders on your peak level

Created by: Adam Ondra

During a single visit to the climbing wall, you have limited time and energy to tackle a boulder problem. It's crucial to keep in mind that attempting a boulder tires the very muscles needed to conquer it. You must analyze the boulder, select the right strategy, and only then make your attempts. If you fail, consider practising the most challenging part of the problem independently to refine your technique and ensure a successful climb. Experiment with various approaches, as even a slight adjustment in body position, can make a significant difference.

Ep 2 - Still 1

Once you've deciphered the boulder's sequence, take a substantial break and mentally review the entire problem, focusing on body positioning and the precise footwork sequence. Concentrate intently on each attempt, and give it your all. The mental aspect is a substantial component of success and can be honed through practice.

If you find yourself unable to complete the boulder within a reasonable timeframe or if fatigue sets in, it's wise to save it for your next visit and explore other challenges instead.

What to remember from the second Tips & Tricks episode?

  • Try the hardest parts (or most difficult moves) of the problem separately (2:36)

  • Always visualize the climb before going for a try (2:53)

  • Memorize the optimal sequence (3:25)

  • Test different ways of solving the boulder’s crux (9:40)

  • Know when to end the session - leave the problem for next time (12:23) 

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