As much as is happening in front of the camera, there is at least the same amount of stuff being done behind it. All the filmmaking, postproduction, setting up the ropes, logistics… simple things like driving or cooking for the team. We try to stay small. So we are fast, travel light, minimise the number of people surrounding Adam all the time. Most importantly - so we have the best people we can get. For the story we want to tell.
For the Perfecto Mundo there is five of us here in Margalef, one back at home. Each of us has some responsibilities but as it goes in small teams, at any given time, we all just do what needs to be done. Well, there might be some exceptions like nobody would probably make me to cook. But I’ll happily do the dishes! Anyway. Here is our wolf pack. As we like to call ourselves.
Katka. On daily bases she is responsible for Adam’s schedule and communicating with the media. Here, she is probably the most cherished person on the team as she does all the cooking for us! Every single day, even all breakfasts or snacks at the crag (chocolates included). But don’t be fooled, man she is tough! Even though still a bit new to all the intricacies of rope setting, she can get the job done! No fear, never stopping, always super eager to learn new stuff. And on top of that an ultra runner, bouldering nut, any dog you could find lover.
Petr. Being the newest addition to our group, he fits in like he would be with us from the very beginning. Taking photographs from young age, coming to us from shooting performances in theatres. For some probably strange transition, but for us - the best guy to capture the moment. And even better at telling jokes and making sure we keep having fun!
Adam (Ligo). The man of many surprises! Starting with us as an editor (remember the Road to Tokyo series?) he is now stepping up the game as a camera man as well. And it ain’t and easy job. You could be a great photographer or filmmaker, but to get the shots hanging from the ropes, believe me, that’s a completely different animal. You not only need to have the ba… nerves to hang in there, but you got to get the shot. And in many cases, it’s nothing less than on-sight for you! Adam - the climber - won’t / can’t give you a second chance.
Jakub. The logistical and any job you could throw at him guru. This company would not make it without him. He is like this lighthouse which is always there and you can count on him. And he is not a climber! You know, these free minded individuals who desert the office any time the gravity is low, the sun is shinning and there is this new scramble screaming to be scaled. Yep, he couldn’t care less and we love it. But I warn you, don’t challenge him over the pint. He can easily outdrink you, your neighbour, any girlfriend you ever had, dude I bet you he would outdrink an elephant if he had to. Not that we would have ever tried it.
Laco. He is our Hollywood mastermind. I mean it. The best film story teller I know. End of the story. Yep. In his free time he loves to travel the seas (no exaggeration here as he holds captains license), read any historic, political, philosophical, etc. book he can get his hands on, a great person to discuss anything from Elon Musk to geo political situation in Middle East. And did I mention he knows how to tell the story? The Perfecto Mundo episodes especially bear his trademark.
Pavel. Well, that’s me. I do the dishes! (pssst… the place we rented has a dishwasher)